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October 21, 2007

Shaggy tv interview video

Filed under: News — reggaevibesgirl @ 4:56 pm

Shaggy did a lot of interviews in Germany to promote his new album Intoxication which was released earlier this month in Germany (this week, it’ll be released in the UK while the US and the Caribbean still need to wait until November for their version of Intoxication). Prosieben (TV Total, et cetera) has a tv interview video with Shaggy online! You can watch it right here (click on “Interview mit Shaggy”) – the page also has some cool pics of Shaggy and more. Shaggy talks about his new 2007 album Intoxication, Church Heathen, the Bonafide Girl video shoot and more. The video also shows Shaggy walking around and taking pictures with people. Some parts of the interview:

Rockstar lifestyle?
When asked about his nickname Mr Lover Lover in contrast with not leading the rockstar kind of lifestyle, Shaggy says he understands why people would welcome that kind of life, but being in the game as long as Shaggy has, things get old. His nickname Mr Lover Lover doesn’t relate as much to his alleged lifestyle as it does to the type of music he makes. Make-baby music that is. Initially when he went into music, being a successfull performing artist was a big reason though since he got in to clubs free, he got drinks for free and he got the hottest chick every night.

Private life
Shaggy likes to keep his personal life private, especially now that he has kids. He does tell though that he has three children, two boys and one girl, who go to public school just like Shaggy did himself when he was a kid, he’s seeing someone, he has 7 large dogs (he used to have 9) and 3 homes but he doesn’t spend a lot of time at any of them since he does a lot of concert touring – which sometimes makes him forget in what city he’s in exactly.

Shaggy employs a young lady who buys his clothes, but he’s the one who mainly puts his outfits together. She shows him the clothes since he doesn’t do department stores or like shopping, but he likes nice things – like clothes.

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